From laboratory-scale cryostats to the Space Shuttle external tank, our engineers have experience in your cryogenic propellant storage and distribution needs, including LOX, LNG, and LH2.
Integrated Refrigeration and Storage of cryogenic propellants eliminates storage and transfer losses and enables complete control of the fluid state. Eta Space engineers pioneered the IRAS technology, now being added to the world’s largest LH2 storage tank at KSC LC-39B.
While at NASA, Eta Space engineers pioneered the technologies behind zero loss transfer of liquid hydrogen. Now funded by the Department of Energy (DoE), Eta Space will demonstrate high efficiency transfer lines and a LH2 disconnect system at a scale necessary for refueling of aircraft. We are working with a number of international partners to standardize this process.
Eta Space is on the forefront of clean energy solutions with a series of advanced hydrogen liquefiers that reduce hardware requirements and maximize energy efficiency. From 15 liters per day, to one ton per day, Eta Space has solutions to fit your liquid hydrogen needs.
Our test facility features an integrated refrigeration and storage (IRAS) system capable of liquefaction and zero-loss storage and transfer of LH2. Customers can test their hardware and materials using LH2 with the benefit of small-batch production. Previously only available in large quantities at high costs, Eta Space has developed the LHTF to address the need for more affordable and responsive LH2 testing.
Eta Space is the industry leader in analysis, design, and operation of LOX and LH2 densification units. Densified propellants have a greater total impulse, longer storage duration, and additional cooling capacities. Store more propellant in your vehicle tanks by cooling it close to the triple point, or even as slush.
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